Sunday, July 17, 2011


Sometimes we all wonder what is wrong with people. My recent causes for this line of thinking are perplexing me to no end. State of Florida owns the case and State of Maryland is just supposed to collect on it. However, State of Maryland closed the case. They are not supposed to be able to do that. However, they did. Why would they do that to a mother who is simply trying to provide for her children? Next, we have millions of people out of work right now, yet the ones that are employed are not working their tail off like they are the lucky ones who have a job. Why? Then there are those that are the major source of confusion for me....pill poppers. Why? Do they really not see what they do to themselves? They become more broke than they were before, they cannot seem to function properly and they are just the moodiest people to be around. They are worse than alcoholics, which is a cheaper addiction, by the way.

I am truly trying to get a better understanding of the world. I am seeing the Devil's works in a lot of people and these same people think they are going to Heaven when their day comes. Perhaps, but I just see more Devil than God in them. When you walk next to Christ, you will radiate His love in all you do. The same can be said for someone who walks with the Devil. Even at churches, I see plenty of people who put on the almighty good show, but do not carry Him in their hearts. Who are they fooling? I have got to the point recently where I am starting to keep to myself. The facade that people put off is unreal. My family, my so-called friends, church goers, clergy, and alike are all becoming the same. It is a scary thing to walk into a church to receive the love of God in His house and see a sea of those who just want the love of the people in that church and not His love. Where is one to go?

You go to church and expect to get away from the pill poppers, the alcoholics, and the other sorts of people who do not want help. I know we all are sinners. I get that. But we need to be at church to ask for His help in getting us closer to our walk with Him. Why go if you are going to be like, "I'm here. I came. I am not going to try and repent for my sins. I am going to keep doing them, but I want the keys to the Pearly Gates." Really? This is a line of thinking that actually goes through people's heads. This is sick and disgusting. How dare you come to the church and make a mockery of it!! All are welcome but you really do not understand Him enough to really truly get what you are here for. Come back when you have truly hit rock bottom and can understand how this works. And why in the world do we have priests and pastors who do not get it either? They are supposed to be the vessel to God. Not just another parishioner. Ugh!!!

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