Monday, October 10, 2011

ugh ugh ugh....please god

Week has completely been overall pretty crappy.  Although, my friend Bill has come to my rescue.  He is finally allowed to talk to me now that he is single.  He is coming this weekend to spend time with me.  He is determined to find the old Ang.  I know she's in here somewhere.  More I talk to people, the more I am getting depressed.  They are either newly single and not liking it or they are in a miserable relationship.  Bill is newly single too....same reasons as me.  He told me I needed to go on a date and just enjoy having someone think I am special.  I just do not feel special anymore.  I feel so flipping lost.  I am not special to any man or even my job.  I feel like a complete failure.

What's more, is that Tim is sneaking behind his girlfriend's back to talk to me.  That is the same crap he did to me.  I don't feel special.  It's not like we are talking about getting back together.  We are talking about what happened.  He still contends that I did not love him enough.  Even Bill said that was bullshit.  Bill and Stan saw my relationship with Tim.  They both saw that I gave Tim everything I had.  They both agree that he is trying to put the blame on me and make me feel awful.  Well it's working.  I feel like a failure.

Maybe I do need a date.  Curtis definitely doesn't see me as anything more than a friend.  I don't mean to him what he means to me.  Why should I sit here and be upset about it?  It's a one way street and I need a two way.  I just got out of a one way relationship.  Don't need another.

Hopefully I can get a second job tomorrow either at Subway or Harvey's.  I really need to at least get financially back on my feet.  And then this weekend, I really hope Bill can put me back together emotionally.  I trust him like I trust Stan.  I would give my life to protect those two.

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